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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Regulations for Dam Good Fishing

    We are mindful of this fact, and will ensure that the fish stocks at the various dams be not overfished or depleted. Towards this aim, we propose the following:

    1. That fishing be carried out on a ‘catch and release’ system. This is what most sport Angler’s are encouraged to do.
    1. In the event however that there appears to be an overstock or proliferation of fish and it is decided to control the overstock of fish, we may consider having a ‘bag-limit’of fish that can be taken by each angler. For example, if a certain dam has too much fish, the bag limit may be four(4) fishes per angler. For dams not seriously overstocked, perhaps a bag limit of two (2) fishes, and so on. The bag limits can be varied depending on the situations prevailing at any particular dam.
    1. From our previous observations, it would seem that certain dams do indeed have an over proliferation of fish. For example, the Air Itam Dam and this in itself may also adversely affect water quality at the dam.
    1. Apart from this, there also appears to be the presence of certain fishes, which if not controlled, could also upset the ecological system at the dams. Here we refer to the presence at certain fishes, such as, ikan toman, a predatory fish that will hunt and devour any and all species present, also to the suspected presence of ikan piranha, most probably released into the waters by persons having no further interest in keeping them etc. We have also had reports of Peacock Bass present in the Telok Bahang Dam. This is also a predator fish, alien to our ecological system.
    1. Towards some form of control of fish species and stocks, we would humbly suggest and undertake to provide you a list of all fishes caught at the various dams.
    1. In the consideration of bag limits, a condition may also be imposed towards the species and size of the fish, say below a certain weight (e.g. 500gm) or a certain size (e.g. 8 inches) be released.
    1. With these proposals in place, we are confident that fish stocks can be maintained at a healthy level at the dams.

B) Outsiders at the dam fishing. Problems of safety and pollution

This is an urgent consideration and to alleviate such problems, we propose the following.

  1. That all angling activities be limited to persons who are members of the PMPP (Persatuan Memancing Pulau Pinang).
  1. That any person who would wish to fish at the dams be subjected to all rules and regulations as PBA/PMPP would impose.
  1. That all such members of PMPP who are allowed to fish at the dams, sign an Indemnity Form thereby discharging the PBA/PMPP from any responsibilities towards any mishap that may occur. We enclose herewith a draft copy of the Indemnity Form, for your kind perusal and comments (Appendix “A”)
  1. Apart from this, Indemnity Form, all members will also have to comply with PMPP rules and regulations regarding all angling activities, example hook size, baits, line capacity, catch and release (if any), bag limit (if any), appreciation of ecosystem, absence of pollution, littering etc.
  1. We are also reserving a right upon the PMPP to expel any member found flouting the rules.
  1. We will be enclosing herewith our draft copy of the rules and regulations which will be imposed upon our members (Appendix “B”).
  1. As regards the mechanisms of control of anglers, we propose the following:-
  1. That all intending anglers report to our PMPP secretary and other authorized PMPP Committee members, (Marshalls) who will then prepare a list of members who will be allowed to fish on that particular day at that particular venue (dams).
  2. This list will then be presented to your officer on duty at the dam(name supplied by PBA)who will then only allow entry as per the list.
  1. That all anglers possess our PMPP member’s card, which is to be shown on request.
  1. That all anglers (PMPP) be issued with a tag, hung around the neck, for easy identification and to differentiate them from any other outsiders (public).
  1. We undertake to liase with your officer(s) at the venue so that the above is complied with. This should satisfy your requirements as set out in paragraph (b) of your letter dated 5th November 2007.

C) Pollution/Littering

Towards this end, and apart from the rules and regulations imposed on anglers, we propose that at the end of the day’s fishing, a joint inspection of the fishing area be done by your officer in charge and our PMPP secretary or Marshalls to ensure that the area is free from such pollution/littering. A letter of such is hereby enclosed for your officer and PMPP Marshalls, (as joint inspection officers) to ensure that this is complied with.

D) Boats etc.

  1. This is a viable and excellent consideration. Although many PMPP members have small boats, your proposed provision of boats is acceptable. Of course, all boat Anglers will have to have a safety life-jacket which is compulsory.
  1. As for boat charges, we will abide by your views thereof.
  1. We may perhaps also state here that in the event your boats are unavailable, perhaps you may consider that our PMPP members home boats that are pollution free, in that they are powered by electric battery motors, (Minn Kota) that are not dependant or use fuel such as petrol etc. This may be a KIV (keep in view) suggestion.
  1. The use of boats is also a good idea in that some species of fish are usually found in open waters far away from the banks, and are not fishable from the banks due to the limited castings range of rod and line. Mid water fish include, the Toman, usually only caught by trolling, i.e. moving bait.

E) Dates – Fishing Dam

    1. This refers to paragraph (a) of your letter. Dates can be arranged as when to your schedule, of which we will undertake to abide.
    1. As a suggestion we humbly opine, that one (1) day a month be allocated to one Dam a month. Example:
    1. December 2007 – Ayer Itam Dam
    1. January 2008 – Teluk Bahang Dam
    2. February 2008 – Mengkuang Dam
    3. March 2008 – Ayer Itam
    4. April 2008 – Teluk Bahang Dam
    5. May 2008 – Mengkuang Dam

      …… and so on and so forth.

    1. This will ensure that any one Dam is only open to Angling once every three months although Angling may be done every month per dam on a rotation basis.
    1. Dates in the month can perhaps be fixed on a Sunday.
    2. It is envisaged that a fee be charged upon every participant that intends to fish at the Dam. We propose that a fee of RM30 be charged upon every entrant. That out of this sum of RM30 per entrant.

PBA Approves Fishing in DAMS for PMPP

Fantastic news! Through the enthusiastic efforts of the PMPP committee, the PBA (Pihak Berkuasa Air) has given permission for PMPP members to fish at 3 of the Penang Dams. With precious few places in Penang left to fish, the large dams provide excellent sport fishing challenges.
The Mengkuang, Teluk Bahang and Air Itam Dams will be open to PMPP members at special times. Namely once a month on Sunday on a rotational basis. Charges oer person will be RM30. All anglers must strictly adhere to the rules and regulations.
More details to follow...